We are joined by first responder, Tim Brown. Tim is a firefighter who responded to the call on September 11, 2001 and rushed immediately into ground zero.
Sadly, each day, 22 men, women and children die waiting to receive a lifesaving organ transplant. Fortunately, over 650,000 lives have been saved since 1988 because of donors, many of them not biologically related to the recipient.
Parents and educators know that children with Special Needs have gifts and talents and it’s just a matter of unleashing their full potential and making sure that parents and teachers have the right information, tools, and support to help the children flourish.On this brand new episode of Family Comes First, “Parents Know Best” we meet with Christian and Terrie Killoran. Christian and Terrie have a son, Aiden who has Down syndrome. On the show, they will share with us the story of their son, Aiden and their battle with the school district to allow Aiden to continue his education at the school that would be the normal path for him.
Learning that your child has hearing loss can be a very emotional discovery. Parents are often overwhelmed with many emotions. They must quickly learn a great deal about how to best help their child. Oftentimes, parents don’t know where to turn for information and support when they learn their child is deaf or hearing impaired.
Imagine being a child growing up without a home or a family to call your own; being virtually alone in the world. Unfortunately, this is a reality for thousands of children in the foster care system today. The majority of foster children are 3 years of age or older and at least 1/3 of them have disabilities. It is a sad truth, but most people looking to adopt children are less likely to adopt an older child or a child with special needs.
On this episode of Family Comes First, Operation Babylift, we reacquaint you with Lana Noone. Lana was on our show back in 2009, the second season of Family Comes First. Lana and her late husband, Byron were the pioneers for international adoption on Long Island in the 70’s.
Season 9 of Family Comes First™ has been inspirational and filled with stories that are heartwarming and moving. On this show, The Best of Season 9, we will look back on the families and resources that moved us during this season.

Heroes of 9/11 – Responders

Saving Lives

Parents Know Best

Listening to the Deaf

21st Century Family

Operation Babylift

Best of Season 9