Page 2
1 MSGR. VLAUN: As we all know, life often
2 throws a few curves. We’re sometimes caught off guard
3 by the unexpected challenges that come our way, and it’s
4 precisely at these times that we need family. Our faith
5 tells us that we are not alone and that we travel
g together with our God through difficult times.
7 I am pleased to announce that Telecare is presenting a
3 new series called Family Comes First. It’s brought to
9 you by Vincent J. Russo & Associates. In this series
10 we’ll be affirming that family is that answer, no matter
H the situation. Vincent J. Russo, a locally and
]_2 nationally acclaimed authority and advocate in elder
13 care, estate planning, and special needs, will be joined
14 by co-host Kim Berk, of Long Island’s KJOY radio.
15 This four-part series will focus on real families, in
16 very real situations. Their stories will warm our
17 hearts and help us to better understand in everyday
18 language what we should be doing now, and how to be
19 prepared for the future. My hope is that this show
20 develops the commandment to honor our mothers and our
21 fathers.
22 *’m very pleased to welcome Vincent J. Russo, Kim Berk,
23 and Family Comes First to our Telecare family. Stay
24 tuned and God bless.
25 MRS. BELMONTE: My son Peter take care very

Page 3
1 well of my husband and me.
2 MRS. ENGLISH: Kiara and I were very
3 grateful to be able to tell our story.
4 MRS. RICHMOND: It’s important to get help.
5 It happened to happen to me.
6 MR. HAUBNER: We hope that telling my story
7 has an impact on somebody watching.
3 MR. RUSSO: Family Comes First provides an
9 opportunity for families to share their stories, which
]_0 will inspire, and how to meet the challenges in
H day-to-day life.
]_2 MS. BERK: Welcome everyone to Family Comes
13 First. I’m Kim Berk.
14 MR. RUSSO: And I’m Vincent J. Russo. Every
15 day medical research is teaching us more and more about
16 arthritis and its effects on people of all ages. The
17 common notion that this disease only begins to affect us
18 in our senior years is a fallacy. We all know someone,
19 and that someone could be ourselves, who suffers from
20 some form of arthritis. My father-in-law did. My wife
21 now does. There are over 170 types of arthritis.
22 MS• BERK: It’s true, Vincent, there are.
23 And statistics are showing us that no matter the form or
24 the prognosis, arthritis is one of our nation’s most
25 prevalent chronic health problems and the leading cause

Page 4
1 of disability among Americans over age 15. There are
2 over 46 million Americans effected —

3 MR. RUSSO: Say that again? 46 million?
4 MR. BERK: 46 million Americans effected
5 with arthritis in one form or another. One in five
g adults, basically, is what it comes out to. Getting the
7 facts and dispelling the myths is the first step in
8 helping someone who is suffering from the disease.
9 MR. RUSSO: With us today is Patricia
10 Brasley, executive vice president of the Arthritis
H Foundation, Long Island Chapter. As a member of its
12 board of directors, I’ve had the privilege of working
13 closely with her. It’s great to have you with us, Pat.
14 MS. BRASLEY: Well, thank you. It’s been a
15 privilege to work with both of you.
16 MR. RUSSO: We look forward to hearing about
17 all the good work of the Arthritis Foundation. But
18 first, in our materials, one of the most compelling
19 stories among your thousands of clients is the story of
20 Mark Haubner —

21 MS. BRASLEY: Yes.
22 MR• RUSSO: With whom we will be visiting in

23 our family room shortly. But first we have a few
24 questions for you.
25 MS. BRASLEY: Sure.

Page 5
1 MS. BERK: Now, Pat, can you share with us,
2 because I know you’ve been with the Arthritis Foundation
3 for a long time, you’ve been there a while and now
4 you’ve accepted the position of vice president —
5 MS. BRASLEY: Right.
g MS. BERK: So tell us a little bit about
7 when you first started and how it is now, how things
3 have changed.
9 MS. BRASLEY: Well, when I first started,
10 which was 20 years ago, I came into the Arthritis
]_]_ Foundation as its program director, which meant I did
12 programs in the community for people with arthritis.
13 Very shortly after, my son became a victim of arthritis,
14 my daughter, and myself. So I said oh somebody put me
15 in the right place at the right time.
16 MS. BERK: In the right place, yep.
17 MS. BRASLEY: I’d say probably the biggest
13 change I’ve seen in those years is the new treatments
19 and new medications that have made such a difference in
20 tne lives of people with arthritis.
21 MS. BERK: Is it your family; is that the
22 reason that you decided to become more involved with the
23 Arthritis Foundation?
24 MS. BRASLEY: Definitely. I always say it’s
25 not just my profession, it’s my passion.

Page 6
1 MR. RUSSO: You have such a special
2 connection to the community. What drives you; tell us
3 about it?
4 MS. BRASLEY: I think when you go out and
5 see the people who are affected and see how their
g families are affected, also, that you can’t help but
7 feel that you will do anything in your power to help
8 them. Because anyone who has a chronic illness, as you
9 both know, that illness is with them forever and it does
10 affect not only them, but their family members, their
H extended family members, and their friends. So it’s an
12 area that you really need to get a lot of [inaudible]
13 resources and a lot of support.
14 MS. BERK: And there’s so many
15 misconceptions —
16 MS. BRASLEY: Oh, yes.
17 MS. BERK: You know, so many people — oh,
18 it’s an old person’s disease —
19 MS. BRASLEY: Right.
20 MS. BERK: What are people complaining
21 about? Have an aspirin, whatever.
22 MS. BRASLEY: Right.
23 MS. BERK: What are trends that we’re

24 seeing? What are the ages, too? It’s not — it’s
25 getting younger and younger. Some younger kids have it.

Page 7
1 MS. BRASLEY: Well, there’s — with 170
2 different types, that essentially there are two main
3 types. One is the osteoarthritis, which if we all hang
4 around long enough, we’re gonna get a little bit of
5 that. And the other is an autoimmune type; rheumatoid
g arthritis, lupus, JRA. That’s the type that affects
7 young people; infants, toddlers, teenagers, and young
8 adults can be affected by this arthritis. It can be
9 very aggressive and it can not only take their health
10 but everything else in their life. They can be left
H unemployable. Families can be devastated by these
12 illnesses, because they’re very, very severe.
13 MR. RUSSO: Give us a sense of the benefits
14 that the foundation can offer.
15 MS. BRASLEY: Yeah. Our thrust in our war,
15 if you want, that’s what I say it is, our war against
17 arthritis is two-prong. We do education and services
18 for those affected already, and that includes family
19 members. We do education and services for professionals
20 and health care people, who take care of people with
21 arthritis. And we raise money to fund research, because
22 that’s what’s gonna take us to finding the cause and
23 then the cure. So to me it’s a very comprehensive
24 two-prong approach.
25 MR. RUSSO: So there’s two levels here with

Page 8
]_ the foundation; the research that’s being done and also 2 the community outreach.

MS. BRASLEY: Correct, yeah,
MS. BERK: 450,000, Long Islanders; that’s
5 a lot of outreaching you have to do.
g MS. BRASLEY: It’s a big job. We have a
7 very big job. A small staff and a big job. But that’s
8 where people like Vincent Russo and his firm, and
9 yourself, even Kim, in helping us in various events come
10 into play with our agency, because we have to rely upon
H your resources and your help – and we have teachers, and
]_2 moms, and dads, and professionals – all those people
13 volunteer with our agency and that’s what enables us to
14 bring our services to people.

MR. RUSSO: I’m sure we have thousands of
15 viewers — right? Thousands of viewers —
17 18 19 20

MS. BERK: Hundreds of thousands.
MR. RUSSO: Watching, who have arthritis.
MR. RUSSO: Can you give us some practical
21 advice for them?
MS. BRASLEY: Yeah. That’s essentially what
23 a major portion of our education programs — that’s what
24 it deals with; how to become your own lifestyle and
25 healthcare se1f-manager. And we have courses, and they

Page 9
1 teach you actually how to work around whatever type of
2 disability you might have, to make your everyday life
3 easier. So what I would suggest to anyone out there who
4 has arthritis is pick up the phone, call us. We’ll give
5 you the location of an exercise course. We’ll give you
g the location of exercises in the pool. We’ll give you
7 locations of support groups. We’ll give you locations
g of programs and of self-help courses. Just pick it up
9 and call. We love to hear from you and we love to help
10 Y°u-
11 MS. BERK: And what about research, the
12 future, what are we looking at right now in arthritis;
13 are we any closer?
14 MS. BRASLEY: This is probably the most
15 exciting time in medical and arthritis research, because
lg we have scientists that, incidentally, we funded through
17 the Arthritis Foundation. One of them is right here on
18 Long Island, on the north shore, who is — they’re world
19 experts in gene research. There’s big fancier names
20 than that, I call it gene research. Where they have
21 actually identified the genetic material that the people
22 wn° develop the inflammatory types of arthritis, like
23 rheumatoid, in people. So what does that mean? That
24 means that he can now, he’s already developed this test,
25 in a child through a simple blood work, see if they have

Page 10
]_ that genetic material, if they are at risk for
2 developing this type of disease. So what does that mean
3 down the road for treatment, and it’s a short road now,
4 you may not necessarily have a cure, but you may have a
5 vaccine. We don’t have a cure for polio, but we have a
g vacc ine.
7 MS. BERK: Absolutely.
3 MS. BRASLEY: So that’s the type of research
9 that’s very, very exciting. We’re close.
10 MS• BERK: Yes. A nice time to be into the
]_]_ research field.
12 MS • BRASLEY: It’s very exciting. Very,
13 very exciting.
14 MS. BERK: Absolutely. Thank you, Pat, for
]_5 joining us and continued great success and leaps and
16 bounds, again, with the Arthritis Foundation.
17 MS. BRASLEY: Thank you.
18 MR. RUSSO: Before our visit with Mark

19 Haubner, in our family room, we have an advance clip
20 about his compelling story, as well as an important
21 message and interview with Patrick McAsey, president of
22 the Arthritis Foundation, Long Island Chapter.
23 MR. MCASEY: Well, the Arthritis Foundation
24 was formed actually 60 years ago this year, so it’s our
25 60th anniversary. But the Arthritis Foundation was

Page 11
]_ really formed because of the huge problem dealing with
2 arthritis. Right now there’s over 400,000 people just
3 on Long Island who are affected by arthritis, and the
4 total cost nationwide is over $12 8,000,000,000.00 a
5 year.
g MR. HAUBNER: The limitations of the disease
7 are huge and you don’t really realize it until you see
8 somebody ice skating and say gee, I’d like to do that.
g All of a sudden you realize I used to do that. And it’s
3_0 not just ice skating. It was skiing, and hiking, and
H running motorcycles, and fixing engines in the street,
12 and cars. I don’t like going over that list too much,
13 because you don’t want to dwell on the things you can’t
14 do.
15 MR. MCASEY: A family support system really
15 is vital. I’ve seen parents who have gotten divorced,
17 because their child has arthritis and one parent just
18 can’t deal with that. I’ve seen husbands leaving wives,
19 because they can’t deal with the up and down nature of
20 arthritis. So it really can be very devastating and
21 much more difficult to cope with, without an
22 understanding family situation.
23 MR. HAUBNER: Looking to your family, try
24 not to burden them at the same time. I don’t want to be
25 a chronic complainer. That’s no good. Relying on

Page 12
]_ friends, a sympathetic ear, talking to strangers.
2 Unload it on somebody else. Can’t do anything for you,
3 but they could listen. Contacting the foundation was a
4 wonderful thing. Getting involved. Doing something
5 positive. Doing something constructive.
g MR. MCASEY: We have a large number of
7 different programs that we offer right now. We have
8 exercise programs; both land and pool exercise programs.
9 We have self-help courses. We’re just beginning tai-chi
]_0 exercise programs. But most importantly I think we just
H have factual information. There’s a lot of
12 disinformation and misinformation about arthritis, and
13 we’re able to provide brochures, videotapes, lectures,
14 and so forth, to be able to give people the real facts
15 about arthritis.
]_6 MR. HAUBNER: The phrase “let go, let God,”
]_7 worked for me even last week. It was very interesting.
2_Q We were talking about illness in the family, deaths in
]_g the family, and I said to my wife, I said it’s one of
20 those things, it’s gonna happen. If you brace yourself,
21 you’re gonna get hurt. Just like being in a car
22 accident. When you relax into it and let it happen,
23 whether it’s good or bad. I just needed to get
24 involved, because I could do something. I was given
25 empowerment. The Arthritis Foundation, the people

Page 13
1 there, have given me something to do that seems
2 worthwhile and seems to be working. I could do this. I
3 can do this today.
4 MR. RUSSO: Welcome to our family room,
5 where we are now joined by Mark Haubner, who needs no
g introduction after that clip. Good to have you with us,
7 Mark.
8 MR. HAUBNER: Thank you, Vincent.
9 MR. RUSSO: The clip was, you know, I think
10 the tip of the iceberg in showing what it’s like for
]_]_ someone with arthritis. And I’d like to start with
]_2 asking you how has it impacted your life, and I know
13 that’s a big question.
]_4 MR. HAUBNER: Yeah. That’s a huge question.
15 We don’t have enough time for all that, but I know if
16 you’ve stepped on the brakes really hard in your car and
17 how everything slides off the seats onto the floor,
18 because that was my life, because we had come to a
ig screeching halt. Everything that I’d been doing up
20 until that point had stopped immediately within a matter
21 of months. And the life changes after that had to be
22 conscious, and with effort, and mindfulness, and hope,
23 and faith, and everything else that goes into getting
24 through a family calamity.
25 MS. BERK: And how old were you, Mark, when

Page 14
1 we started going through the operations and you got
2 diagnosed – –
3 MR. HAUBNER: Yeah, the diagnosis came
4 first. I was 44. So I was in the middle of —
5 MR. RUSSO: Wow, that’s so young.
g MR. HAUBNER: Yeah, very young.
7 MR. RUSSO: Most people don’t realize that
8 there are younger people with arthritis.
9 MR. HAUBNER: Well, there’s little kids with
10 it- * didn’t know that either until we went to one of
11 the summits in Washington, and there were five and eight
12 year olds — it’s good to keep company with people who
13 are worse off, because it makes you feel really good.
14 But they are certainly worse off. But there is so much
15 being done, helping them and their attitudes. It’s
15 amazing. Especially the kids.
17 MS. BERK: Yeah. Especially I think kids
13 adjust a lot better sometimes than adults do.
19 MR. HAUBNER: Yeah, they do.
20 MS• BERK: It’s like they take everything in

21 stride; well, this is life. Sometimes it’s tougher. So
22 how did you adjust? Was it easy to take it in stride?
23 When you first heard the diagnosis and then you
24 realized, well, this is more than just a diagnosis, I’m
25 gonna go through all these surgeries; how did you react

Page 15
1 to all of that?
2 MR. HAUBNER: With any kind of illness or
3 death in the family, of course, you deny it. That
4 you’re that sick or any kind of sick. So that went on
5 for a long time. That went on for years. I had so much
g trouble even at the beginning, in the first three, or
7 four, or five years before I could even say “when I got
8 sick.” I always was referring to it as “when I got
9 hurt,” because it was so painful. All this was just
10 pain, pain, pain.
11 MS. BERK: Right.
12 MR. HAUBNER: And operations and fix this,

13 and fix that. And it was more of an injury, a sports
14 injury, in my mind, before I realized this is a disease,
15 so.
lg MR. RUSSO: What amazes me is your spirit.
17 In your vocabulary there are no “do nots” and “cannots”
18 “-
19 MR. HAUBNER: Oh, that drives me nuts at
20 home.
21 MR. RUSSO: How — where did this inner
22 strength come from?
23 MR. HAUBNER: That’s gotta go back to my
24 mother, who was a single parent. My grandmother, who
25 was divorced when her children had polio, at the same

Page 16
]_ time as something else that was a quarant inable disease.
2 It goes back to my great grandmother, who had come over
3 from her own country at seven years old alone on the
4 boat – –
5 MS. BERK: Wow.
g MR. HAUBNER: So you gotta look to your
7 history, as far as that’s concerned.
8 MS. BERK: Right.
9 MR. RUSSO: Family —
10 MR. HAUBNER: Yeah, of course.
H MR. RUSSO: The family —
12 MR • HAUBNER: Of course. Of course.
]_3 MR. RUSSO: It also seems like you’re
14 gaining strength from your wife and your daughter, at
]_5 the same time that you’re giving them strength.
16 MR• HAUBNER: Yeah. It’s perpetuating. Any
17 — negativity is se1f-perpetuating and so is positivity.
18 And once you get that upward spiral going, then that’s
19 when the day is going better and your life is moving
20 along more smoothly.
21 MR. RUSSO: Now, you were an athlete, doing
22 a whole number of different — skiing, I think, was one
23 of your favorite activities. And so I know this is
24 tough to ask the question, emotionally and
25 psychologically, when you realized you could not do

Page 17
]_ those kinds of things that all of us take for granted,
2 activities of daily living, how did you deal with that?
3 MR. HAUBNER: You gotta cut them out one at
4 a time. Obviously, you’re not gonna stop everything all
5 at once and you’re gonna try things you shouldn’t, too. g MS. BERK: Like? There’s obviously an
7 example going on in your head —
8 MR. HAUBNER: There is. Coming right up.
g Playing softball with my nephew, and his friends, and
10 his cousins. Last summer the bionic man goes out there
H with his six-hundred-thousand dollars worth of parts and
12 shows him how to swing that bat, and wound up on the
13 ground with the EMT’s walking almost a quarter mile to
14 pull me out of the back field. So yeah, we’ve got to
15 realize our limitations as they come along.
16 MR. RUSSO: It’s time for us, I think, at
17 the break here for a reflection by Monsignor McNamara.
18 MSGR. MCNAMARA: My name is Monsignor Jim
19 McNamara and I invite you to join me in this moment of
20 reflection. Jesus once said if you have faith the size
21 of a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, be
22 moved into the sea, and it would be moved. Jesus made
23 it clear that faith has great power. He commended the
24 centurion because he simply trusted that a word from
25 Christ would heal his servant. He told Gyrus, after

Page 18
]_ they reported his daughter had died, fear is useless.
2 What is needed is trust. Consistently Jesus asks us for
3 a faith that’s involved with trust and self-abandonment.
4 It’s easy for us to shrink back into fear. For a man
5 like Mark, it takes great determination and faith just
g to get up in the morning, and to face each task as a
7 challenge. And so we can learn from him. His witness
3 gives us witness not to presume upon life, or to be
g lazy, or to take our health for granted. We can be
]_0 uncomfortable around people who are disabled or
H chronically ill, because they remind us of our
]_2 vulnerability. They remind us to surrender to God and
13 to trust in Him, here and now. This is the basis also
]_4 of gratitude.
15 MS. BERK: Family Comes First is based on
]_g the belief that family is the driving force behind well
]_7 living, so your wife, Kathy, and your daughter, Meghan,
18 have been very important parts of your life, obviously,
19 and just meeting them briefly is amazing. So now we’re
20 going to share your family with everybody else. Let’s
21 watch a few moments with Kathy and Meghan.
22 MRS. HAUBNER: Before the arthritis, he’d go
23 into the city. He enjoys New York City tremendously.
24 He loves the theater. He loves the city. He can’t do
25 the steps. A simple thing as you wouldn’t even give it

Page 19
]_ a thought of climbing steps. Going to the trains.
2 Going on job interviews. All of that he no longer can
3 do, because of the arthritis. Who would think? I mean
4 I never gave it a thought that concrete could hurt your
5 knees, hurt your legs, and yet he finds it very severe.
g MEGHAN HAUBNER: What my dad did was he was
7 very, very positive about the whole entire experience,
3 about us, and you know him having arthritis and it
9 affecting our whole family. But he was very positive
10 about everything. And everything was like it’s gonna be
]_]_ okay, it’s gonna be okay. Nothing’s a big deal. You’ll
12 be a11 right.
13 MRS. HAUBNER: He never complains. Never
]_4 complains. Just does what he does. And I think as a
15 result, that’s why we all do what we do.
]_g MEGHAN HAUBNER: My mom is awesome. I love
]_7 my mom. She’s — she’s really — she is the bread-
18 winner, she’s the homemaker, she’s everything, because,
]_9 you know, she’s a very strong woman and she’s an awesome
20 person to look up to.
21 MRS. HAUBNER: It’s very hard for me to see
22 him stand at the door when I’m going out to work in the
23 morning, because he’s just like sitting. I know he
24 wants to go, yet he can’t go and sometimes I’m like I
25 can’t wait to go. See ya, I’m gone. But I mean it’s

Page 2 0
1 hard. I mean I can’t believe — and then of course
2 there are days where I don’t want to go. I want to stay
3 home. Let me stay home and be Mr. Mom today. But that
4 doesn’t happen. Insurance plays a big role in our life,
5 as far as my job. Life before, I didn’t even think
g about insurance. I mean I just went to work part-time,
7 worked when I wanted to, and that has drastically
8 changed, as a result of Mark not having medical, and I
9 do have to have medical. So even though I would like to
]_0 change jobs, I don’t, because I know what I have and I
H don’t know what I’m gonna get.
12 MEGHAN HAUBNER: We call my dad the bionic
13 man, because when I was little I watched the TV show and
14 it has like, you know, the bionic man. It was like an
15 action show or whatever, and it was just, you know, all
lg metal. This whole like metal guy like busting around
17 like action hero kind of thing, and that was my dad for
18 me, because I was daddy’s little girl. And he had his
19 shoulders, and his hips done, and his knees done. So I
20 was like you’re like the bionic man.
21 MRS. HAUBNER: Through giving advice to
22 somebody, there are agencies out there, like the
23 Arthritis Foundation, and friends. I’ve been blessed
24 with wonderful friends and a great family and they’re
25 the ones that if we need anything, they’re there for us.

Page 21
]_ MEGHAN HAUBNER: The more positive you put
2 everything into aspect, like your life and how you put
3 that into aspect for yourself, and towards your family,
4 is a really big factor for everything, and that’s what’s
5 important. Your family should always come first.
g MR. RUSSO: Mark, your family is the true
7 essence of what life is all about. And I know that
8 there are many challenges that lie ahead for the future.
9 Can you talk about those challenges and what planning
10 are you doing?
H MR. HAUBNER: The big thing is most of the
12 time you get sick and retire, or you retire and then get
]_3 sick, and you’re 65 or 70. This all started, if you
14 want to call it a forced retirement, started at 44. And
15 you think you’re going to last another 40 years. Now
16 y°u gotta think about really what you gotta do to make
]_7 that stretch. So it’s a matter of making sure that all
18 tne “T’s” are crossed and your “I’s” are dotted. Making
19 sure that the deeds are in place, your will, the living
20 will. All the things that you never think you’re gonna
21 need, get it done before you need it.
22 MS• BERK: It lifts a burden off of them, as
23 well. You know sometimes making that decision for
24 someone else is heartbreaking and you feel guilt, and
25 sometimes you make a decision out of a misplaced sense

Page 22
1 of love or loyalty to somebody, so.
2 MR. RUSSO: And it’s not only the legal
3 planning, but it’s also the financial planning, which
4 I’m sure you had to, you know, just address right up
5 front, to figure out how am I going to be able to make
6 this work for myself, my wife, and my family.
7 MR. HAUBNER: It’s a constant struggle and
8 especially with, and I’ve heard this story from other
9 people involved with the Telecare situation here, that
10 they’ve got to deal with these things. Staying in a job
H too long, or being involved with certain things that
12 they need to extract themselves from, or move on when
]_3 it’s not comfortable, and there’s an awful lot of that.
14 There really is.
15 MR. RUSSO: Mark, how did you get involved
lg with the Arthritis Foundation in the first place?
17 MR. HAUBNER: My mother had been trying to
18 take care of her mother, my grandmother, and that my
19 grandmother had a terrible case of osteo early on, that
20 sne wouldn’t recognize. That she wouldn’t go to the
21 doctor for, and one more Bayer aspirin a day wasn’t
22 gonna hurt anything. So that’s what she was on and my
23 mother got involved; well, look, mom, look at all these
24 pamphlets, look what you’ve got. And my grandmother
25 shut her down really hard. So by this time, my mother,

Page 23
1 of course, had discovered that she had it as well. So
2 now she’s involved and she’s got it. So that’s —
3 watching her for all these years. Driving down to
4 Kennedy Airport and picking up a thousand roses, and
5 driving around to people for a particular event that
g they were having or whatever have you. She was on the
7 self-help program on TV. She had done programs for
8 them. We did the — what’s the — telethon together —
9 MS. BERK: The telethon?
10 MR. HAUBNER: Yes. We were on the telethon
11 together. And that’s where I really got involved and
12 excited. And then pretty soon, of course, I’m there, as
13 well. So now we’re looking at continuing that hopefully
14 that Meghan will stay involved, and do as much as she’s
]_5 been doing and more .
]_6 MS. BERK: So it helps your family, as well.
17 I mean obviously, it helps you, but your family being
18 involved with the Arthritis Foundation.
19 MR. HAUBNER: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Absolutely.
20 Tne support is there and we’re always at the same places
21 together and it’s a generational thing.
22 MR• RUSSO: That is great. Mark, give us
23 some pearls of wisdom for those, you can do it, you can
24 do it, for those who are just facing for the first time
25 arthritis and now there’s an impact on their lives; what

Page 24
1 can you tell them?
2 MR. HAUBNER: Call the Arthritis Foundation.
3 Get some pamphlets. Get some brochures. Read up on it.
4 Get involved with a program that’s gonna help limber you
5 up, at least, to get through the day. Get a regular
g routine. Don’t just lay in bed wondering how you’re
7 gonna handle all your problems. Just get up and get
8 started. Really, that’s the thing.
9 MR. RUSSO: Thank you, so much, Mark, for
]_0 sharing your inspirational story and for your family;
H Kathy and Meghan, they were just wonderful —
12 MR . HAUBNER : Thank you .
13 MR. RUSSO: In sharing their story of you
14 and your family. And also I want to thank the Arthritis
15 Foundation, Long Island Chapter, with Pat McAsey, and
2.6 Patricia Brasley, of the foundation. Family truly does
17 come first.
13 MR. HAUBNER: Indeed.
19 MR. RUSSO: Now for a break.
20 (Whereupon, a commercial break was taken.)
21 MS. BERK: Today we were graciously invited
22 into the life of a man who is truly remarkable. His
23 spirit is an inspiration. Despite his battle with
24 osteoarthritis, with God and his family at his side, as
25 his strength and his support, he’s ready to conquer any

Page 25
1 obstacles. As we learned today, “don’ts” and “cannots”
2 are not part of Mark’s vocabulary.
3 MR. RUSSO: Absolutely, Kim. Mark Haubner’s
4 story is a definite eye-opener. Mark is truly a role
5 model for all of us and we are grateful to the Arthritis
g Foundation, Long Island Chapter, for all that they do to
7 help those with arthritis and their families. If you
8 have any questions or would like more information,
9 please visit, and
]_0 Have a great day, Kim.

MS. BERK: Have a great day, Vincent, and
]_2 thank you for joining us. Remember, family truly does
13 come first

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